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Use it or lose it 

Use it or lose it Bombyx Daily makes it happen How to support and maintain a healthy prostate with supplements, diet and exercise. The prostate gland is located just below the bladder in men and surrounds the top portion of the tube that drains urine from the bladder (urethra). The prostate’s primary function is to produce the fluid that nourishes and transports sperm (seminal fluid). Lewtress Bombyx Daily supports a healthy libido on an ongoing basis which is beneficial to Prostate Health and Sexual Wellbeing. https://www.lewtress.co.uk/shop/mens-health/bombyx-daily-complex-capsules-for-men/ https://www.lewtress-health.com/product/bombyx-daily-complex-capsules/ Benefits of Frequent and Regular Sexual Activity. Sex is good for you.  More frequent ejaculation and sex can offer numerous health benefits, such as managing stress, relieving pain, improving heart health, and reducing high blood pressure. Some research suggests that ejaculation can help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.There’s exciting news on the prostate cancer front. If you ejaculate frequently, your risk of getting prostate cancer is likely to be reduced. How often is frequent? A study at Harvard Medical School says 21 times a month. A similar Australian study points to seven times a week. Other Lewtress products which help with this aspect of health, vitality and fulfilment include Horny Goat Weed, Saw Palmetto and Tongkat Ali.   Maintain a Healthy Prostate With Lewtress Bombyx Daily  It is estimated that 1 in 8 men in the U.S. will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis in their lifetime.There’s exciting news on the prostate cancer front. If you ejaculate frequently, your risk of getting prostate cancer is likely to be reduced. How often is frequent? A study at Harvard Medical School says 21 times a month. A similar Australian study points to seven times a week. One possible reason for the protective effects of ejaculation may be that frequent ejaculation prevents carcinogens building up in the prostatic ducts. If the ducts are flushed out, there may be less build up and damage to the cells that line them.Here’s a health tip that might sound pretty good to many guys: Have more sex, or masturbate more, and you might lower your odds of getting prostate cancer. Research suggests that the more often men ejaculate, the less likely they are to have the disease.The prostate gland plays an important role in ejaculation. While more research is necessary, some evidence suggests that ejaculating frequently can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.Researchers don’t understand exactly why frequent ejaculation might provide protection against prostate cancer. One theory is that ejaculation rids the prostate gland of cancer-causing materials, infection, and matter that can cause inflammation.Bombyx Daily also facilitates and eases urinary flow thus reducing frequent visits to the bathroom.https://www.lewtress-health.com/product/bombyx-daily-complex-capsules/Another Lewtress product which specifically addresses the issue of urinary flow:https://www.lewtress.co.uk/shop/herbal-supplements/saw-palmetto-capsules/ 


Lewtress Kombucha 

/*! elementor – v3.23.0 – 05-08-2024 */ .elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px} Lewtress Kombucha /*! elementor – v3.23.0 – 05-08-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} British Master Brewers of Therapeutic Kombucha for 30 years What makes Kombucha a supreme health tonic with a great taste? Kombucha has been consumed for thousands of years. It is a fermented tea based probiotic tonic with endless health benefits containing beneficial microbiome bacteria which helps detoxify the body, strengthen immunity and provide healthy micronutrients. There are several beneficial acids in Kombucha. Lewtress Kombucha contains Glucuronic Acid, a natural acid that helps the body remove harmful substances. Glucuronic Acid is a potent detoxifying compound that can help protect against chronic diseases. It can eliminate pollutants, excess hormones, bilirubin, and other toxic substances from the body through the urinary system. Glucuronic acid has been proven to support the growth of Bifidobacteria which is another name for probiotics that support a healthy gut microbiome, important for good health and immunity. So, between the Glucuronic Acid and Acetic Acid in Kombucha the Bifidobacteria become very active boosting good gut health. The happier our gut microbiome is the stronger our immune system becomes. Glucuronic Acid from kombucha has hepatoprotective effects which means the ability of a substance to prevent liver damage. It’s also a precursor of vitamin C biosynthesis and can be converted into glucosamine, which is associated with collagen and cartilage production. Glucuronic acid is a component of hyaluronan, an important substance in the treatment of arthritis. Hyaluronan is a natural substance that has many functions, including:  Structural support, lubrication, and hydration. Cell adhesion and locomotion. Responses during injury, repair, and regeneration. Brain development and regulates synapse formation. Protects articular cartilage and transports nutrients to it. Helps retain moisture in the skin. Lubricates the eyes  Other natural organic ingredients are Acetic Acid which not only gives Kombucha its tangy taste but is also known as an anti-bug, antibacterial agent killing harmful bacteria that cause stomach upsets. Bifidobacteria which are found in abundance in Kombucha are a group of good beneficial bacteria called probiotics that normally live in your intestines and stomach. They help your body perform essential functions such as digestion and staving off harmful bacteria. Several studies have indicated that Bifidobacteria can improve immunity. Kombucha’s antioxidant content is known to support a healthy immune system. One of these antioxidants is ascorbic acid which is better known as Vitamin C. Another important antioxidant found in Kombucha is Glucaric Acid which helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress that can damage our cells, leaving us vulnerable to disease. So, Kombucha is a collection of natural acids with all the health benefits in a daily awesome therapeutic tonic.   Immunity and good health need our attention more than ever in our busy lives.  As well as the bottles of Kombucha, Lewtress have developed a series of Kombucha based bio-active liquid supplements thereby adding the benefits of the kombucha culture to specific herbs.These Live Pro Biotic Kombucha culture extracts are specially fermented, pro biotic cultures which harmonize with and complement the botanicals. https://www.lewtress-health.com/product-category/bio-active-liquid-supplements/ For a true authentic Kombucha to be therapeutic it must be raw and unpasteurised so in Lewtress Kombucha you may see kombucha culture, yeast strands and sediment, signs of a healthy live Kombucha.


Bombyx Supplements: Perfect For Your Intimate & Everyday Life!

Bombyx Supplements: Perfect For Your Intimate & Everyday Life! We all strive to feel our best, seeking overall wellness and targeted improvements in specific areas of our health. In the ever-evolving landscape of health solutions, it’s not uncommon to encounter a multitude of options, with varying degrees of efficacy, however, within our Bombyx range, we’ve unearthed a potent answer to address not only general health concerns but also intimate issues affecting both men and women! So, let’s get into this, shall we? As we delve into how our range of Bombyx supplements can be the transformative solution you’ve been seeking for your health. Ignite the Flame of Passion! If you’ve been sensing a wane in the vitality of your intimate life, rest assured, you’re not alone. The market is flooded with products promising to address these very concerns, leaving you spoilt for choice! Our Bombyx Daily Capsules, are meticulously formulated to enhance various facets of your health. These capsules not only work to reignite your libido but also infuse you with a surge of energy, preparing you for whatever lies ahead! Our unique Bombyx formula sets itself apart from conventional male enhancers. Rediscover Your Mojo We’re committed to guiding you back to that state of vitality and confidence you once relished. We understand that regaining that vigour and enthusiasm can be a challenge, but with our Bombyx range, you’ll soon be on your way to rediscovering your youthful exuberance! Offering support for both men and women, our natural supplements are primed to help you reconnect with yourself and reclaim your mojo! Not Just Good For Your Intimate Life… While our Bombyx range may seem synonymous with rekindling intimate desires, it extends its benefits beyond the realm of intimacy. Some of our products offer robust support for various aspects of general health, benefiting both men and women. For women, many of our female customers say our Bombyx For Women capsules prove invaluable in navigating the hormonal shifts that accompany Perimenopause, Menopause, and Postmenopause. They empower you to transcend these transitional phases, enabling you to lead a life on your terms! For men, our Bombyx range, particularly the Bombyx Daily Complex, not only revitalises your intimate life but also acts as a steadfast ally in maintaining a healthy prostate – often an overlooked facet of men’s health. Our Bombyx range is primed to bolster your well-being in ways you might not have imagined! In summary, Bombyx serves as an invaluable asset in enhancing your sexual wellness, but remember, its efficacy extends to a broader spectrum of your health. If you’re eager to delve deeper into our Bombyx range and find the natural supplement that aligns with your needs, look no further! At Lewtress, our range of Bombyx supplements is ready to assist you with becoming your best self – in a natural way. Find your favourites today in our Bombyx range!


Manopause Not Menopause, Navigating Hormonal Transitions For Men

Manopause Not Menopause, Navigating Hormonal Transitions For Men While often not openly discussed, it’s crucial to acknowledge that men too, undergo hormonal changes that lead to similar symptoms to women going through menopause. In women, the onset of menopausal issues arises from decreasing oestrogen levels, however, for men, it involves a reduction in testosterone levels, a condition often referred to as “Manopause” or Andropause, stemming from testosterone deficiency – as men age, it’s common for testosterone levels to decline by around 1% annually after reaching the age of 30-40, this trend can persist through middle and old age too. However, due to factors like heightened work-related stress, environmental pollution, and inadequate diets in recent years, the age at which this occurs and the rate of decline may vary, potentially resulting in an earlier onset of “manopause.” As a result, most men will likely experience some or several of these manopausal symptoms as they progress through the ageing process. Manopause deserves the same attention and consideration as women’s menopause due to its potential to give rise to sexual, physical, and psychological challenges, which tend to intensify with age. Additional symptoms associated with manopause may include: Erectile dysfunction Low energy levels Reduced muscle mass leads to feelings of weakness Diminished motivation Increased frequency of urination, especially at night Decreased libido Depression Fatigue Difficulty concentrating Insomnia or sleep disturbances Heightened irritability Premature hair loss Development of breast tissue Reduced testicle size Elevated body fat levels In rarer cases, individuals may experience hot flashes, and there is also a potential risk of osteoporosis due to decreased bone density. Testosterone, the hormone that drives transformations during male puberty, fuels mental and physical vigour, supports muscle growth, influences fight or flight responses, and governs sex drive and libido, among other critical functions. All of these attributes are underpinned by testosterone, marking the commencement of the testosterone journey. As testosterone levels decrease, so does a man’s libido, and additional complications may arise. It’s important to note that male manopause differs from women’s menopause. In women, the decline in hormone levels leads to the eventual cessation of reproductive organ function. Conversely, manopause typically manifests as sexual complications stemming from reduced hormone levels. This phase can signify the initiation of the conclusion of the testosterone journey. At Lewtress, we offer supplements such as the renowned Tongkat Ali and Tribulus Terrestris, known for their ability to stimulate the natural production of testosterone. Specifically, Tongkat Ali supplements mitigate the ageing effects on the male reproductive system by enhancing the body’s free testosterone bioavailability. It not only boosts energy levels but also supports the maintenance of healthy testosterone levels, vitality, sex drive, as well as robust blood circulation. A vast amount of men refuse to acknowledge manopause, as it can make them feel like a reflection of their own ‘virility’ and ‘manhood’, and how they might be slipping away from them. However, recognising it and doing something positive about it can be one of the key aspects to unlocking this very physiological occurrence. One thing that you can do to assist with dealing with manopause is to look after your microbiome, natural supplementation, lose weight, do more exercise and eat less sugar can all help you push back manopause. Discover our range of microbiome supporting supplements which are great for assisting manopause. Our personal favourites are: Horny Goat Weed Kombucha, Horny Goat Weed Liquid and Ginseng Kombucha Tea! At Lewtress, we have a wide range of natural supplements that can target specific issues associated with menopause and assist you with dealing with those symptoms, we recommend our Bombyx Daily Complex Capsules, Tongkat Ali Extract, Tribulus Terrestris Complex, Horny Goat Weed Liquid and Horny Goat Weed Extract Capsules, all practitioner developed and ready to help you!


Elevate Your Wellness with Maca Root: A Hormonal Balancing Act

Elevate Your Wellness with Maca Root: A Hormonal Balancing Act In the modern realm of nutrition, an array of superfoods, supplements, and wellness approaches are always eager to be the best possible option, promising to elevate your well-being. Yet, amidst the trends and fads, there stands a nutritional powerhouse known as ‘Maca‘. Hailing from the high altitudes of Central Andes in Peru, the Maca root vegetable emerges as a formidable ally in enhancing energy and harmonising vital hormones such as testosterone, oestrogen, and progesterone. At Lewtress, we’ve meticulously crafted an assortment of all-natural supplements harnessing the power of Maca to support you. Curious about the range of benefits Maca offers? Here’s a quick overview of Maca and how it can enhance your health! What Exactly is Maca? Originating from the Andean mountains, the Maca root is a cruciferous vegetable akin to kale, cauliflower, and broccoli. Thriving in elevations as high as 13,000 feet, its resilience and extraordinary health properties are partly attributed to these rigorous conditions. Loaded with essential vitamins like B1, B2, B12, C, and E, as well as minerals including magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, silica, and iodine, the Maca root empowers you to thrive, promoting overall health and wellness. Beyond its nutritional richness, Maca root boasts adaptogenic properties, aiding the body in stress management and restoring equilibrium. Its impact on the endocrine system, which manages hormone production, extends from mood regulation to energy metabolism. Maca is believed to influence pivotal glands like the hypothalamus and pituitary, pivotal in maintaining hormonal equilibrium. The Superfood Tailored to Your Diet! While the term ‘superfood’ is bandied about liberally, the Maca root earns this distinction through its numerous health benefits. It’s a reservoir of minerals, nutrients, and vitamins that contribute to immune system support. Maca’s reputation for aiding hormonal balance is well-deserved. It influences the ‘master glands’ in your body, regulating the production of hormones crucial for various bodily functions, from mood to energy levels, and even reproductive health. The minerals in Maca, particularly iron and potassium, are instrumental in maintaining healthy red blood cells, preventing anaemia, and regulating heart rhythm and muscle function. Maca encompasses a wide range of properties that elevate it to superfood status. It’s packed with all eight essential amino acids, crucial for tissue growth and repair, nutrient absorption, and immune function. Additionally, it offers benefits like reducing inflammation and supporting adrenal glands, pivotal in managing your body’s hormonal responses to stress and fatigue. How Does Maca Work for You? Maca is dedicated to empowering you to live life to the fullest and addressing aspects of your health that may have posed challenges in the past. It supports the endocrine system, ensuring your body’s hormone-producing glands operate efficiently. By stimulating these ‘master glands,’ Maca aids in regulating the production and release of hormones throughout your body. These hormones range from sex hormones like oestrogen and testosterone to stress-related hormones like cortisol. Maca helps balance these hormones, contributing to increased energy, growth, development, improved mood, and enhanced sexual health. Additionally, Maca serves as an adaptogen, bolstering the body’s stress response by supporting the adrenal glands that manage stress hormones. Its rich nutrient profile, featuring easily absorbable minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium, addresses deficiencies in your body. Maca is also a potent source of antioxidants, safeguarding cells against free radicals, and benefiting skin health, mental well-being, and overall vitality. With roles in hormone regulation, stress management, nutrient supply, and antioxidative defence, Maca stands as a formidable superfood, fortifying diverse bodily functions and overall health, ensuring you can live your everyday life without worrying about unforeseen health issues. What Health Benefits Can Maca Provide You? Maca offers a range of additional health benefits, enabling you to lead the lifestyle you desire without health concerns hindering your progress. It provides a vital energy boost when you need it most, enhancing endurance and energy production. This is attributed to the presence of vitamin B in the Maca root, leading to improved physical performance. Beyond its physical benefits, Maca supports mental well-being, aiding in stress management and improving mood while reducing anxiety levels. Surprisingly, Maca’s health benefits extend to hormone regulation, potentially enhancing libido and intimacy. For both men and women, Maca offers significant advantages, from increasing sperm count to alleviating menopausal symptoms and providing relief from pain, fatigue, hot flashes, and other menopausal discomforts. Maca plays a pivotal role in overall health, enabling you to live your life to the fullest without the hindrance of health issues. At Lewtress, our team has curated a diverse range of Maca supplements designed to give you the energy boost you need, day and night. Find the Maca supplement that suits you today!


Unlocking the Secrets of Libido Health

Unlocking the Secrets of Libido Health When it comes to your libido health, it’s something most people shy away from talking about. Let’s be honest; many of us can be a bit apprehensive to discuss our sexual lives openly. However, having a strong and active libido can be a factor in providing numerous health benefits to yourself, beyond just intimate scenarios. The essence of libido encompasses both the craving for sexual activity and the capacity to engage in it with vigour and satisfaction. In men, libido is subject to a multifaceted interplay of biological, emotional, psychological, and societal influences. In reality, it’s worth noting that diminished libido tends to weigh more heavily on the minds of men than on women. This dip in sexual desire is characterised by a noticeable decline in interest in sexual activity, often accompanied by difficulties in achieving satisfactory performance. Maintaining a strong libido and healthy sex drive is paramount for overall well-being. It can ensure that all hormones operate in harmony, ultimately contributing to a more robust and vibrant physique. Elevating your libido daily can lead to a wide variety of advantages compared to sporadic use. Rediscovering the joy of spontaneous sexual arousal can be a profound pleasure, particularly for those grappling with low libido concerns. It can also be worth noting that regular engagement in sexual activity is a cornerstone of prostate health, so keeping your libido in check can offer great benefits in more ways than just one. Furthermore, improving your libido health not only contributes to the vitality of your physical body, but it also exerts a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Having an active libido will not only aid in sustaining a profound sense of vitality and overall well-being, but it also plays a pivotal role in harmonising emotional and physical health, thereby contributing to a holistically healthy mind and body. Unlocking Your Potential: The Diverse Benefits Of Natural TongkatAli Unlocking Your Potential: The Diverse Benefits Of Natural TongkatAli Tongkat… Read More Unlocking the Secrets of Libido Health Unlocking the Secrets of Libido Health When it comes to… Read More Elevate Your Wellness with Maca Root: A Hormonal Balancing Act Elevate Your Wellness with Maca Root: A Hormonal Balancing Act… Read More Manopause Not Menopause, Navigating Hormonal Transitions For Men Manopause Not Menopause, Navigating Hormonal Transitions For Men While often… Read More Bombyx Supplements: Perfect For Your Intimate & Everyday Life! Bombyx Supplements: Perfect For Your Intimate & Everyday Life! We… Read More Load More Additionally, don’t forget to prioritise the health of your microbiome, as it serves as a foundational pillar for both libido and overall health. Lewtress offers supplements like Horny Goat Weed Kombucha and Saw Palmetto with live Bioactive Kombucha culture that can assist you in supporting both libido and microbiome health. These products are specially formulated to offer comprehensive support for your overall well-being. Another point to remember is that no matter what age you are, there can be times when life throws a curveball at you – energy and libido levels can falter, or they might just not be there anymore. With Lewtress’ libido-enhancing supplements, you can: Help boost and maintain a healthy libido Increase sexual performance, staying power, and confidence Enhance your energy and motivation Improve concentration Support your prostate health It is perfectly normal for individuals to experience different periodic changes in their interests when it comes to sexual intimacy. Stress-related triggers and the impact of medication that the user may be taking are just a few factors inquired about here at Lewtress, as our team strives to create and provide comprehensive support for a thriving intimate life for the users of our libido-aimed supplements. Here at Lewtress, we take pride in crafting distinctive supplements through active engagement with our valued clients and customers. Their invaluable feedback serves as the cornerstone in refining our formulas to create excellent supplements that will assist our customers. For those looking to discover a supplement that can help support your libido and general health too, we suggest our Bombyx Daily Complex. The formula is specially designed to potentially rekindle those intimate moments of spontaneity. It provides vital support for endurance, heightened energy levels, enhanced concentration, and all the aspects of masculinity that promote a sense of well-being, including the maintenance of a robust, active prostate. Within our Bombyx Daily Capsules, we’ve incorporated potent adaptogenic herbs known for their exceptional benefits. Adaptogens, which are fundamental in herbal medicine, play a pivotal role in stabilising both emotional and physiological processes, fostering a state of equilibrium within the body. Our Bombyx Daily is a carefully crafted supplement designed for consistent, day-to-day use, and its unique formula is geared toward providing sustained support for your holistic well-being. Click here to get yours today or click here to browse the entire Bombyx range.


Unlocking Your Potential: The Diverse Benefits Of Natural TongkatAli

Unlocking Your Potential: The Diverse Benefits Of Natural TongkatAli Tongkat Ali, is an all-natural supplement designed to help reduce your stress and increase your testosterone too, but what else can this root do for your health? Derived from the Longfolia Jack Plant native to Southeast Asia, some may believe TongkatAli only benefits sex drive and desire, we’re here to let you know about its diverse range of benefits. May Increase Muscle Strength: Consuming TongkatAli may lead to increased muscle strength, enabling users to become stronger and potentially increase muscle size. This can be especially beneficial for those aiming to enhance their performance at the gym and maximise their hard-earned results! Helps To Reduce Stress: Feeling stressed or lethargic? Natural TongkatAli may provide relief, lowering stress levels and potentially improving mood. Whether you’re grappling with workplace pressure or seeking to strike a healthier work-life balance, TongkatAli may help you regain equilibrium and unwind after a demanding day! Can Improve Your Sex Drive: TongkatAli’s effects extend beyond muscle strength. It can serve as an aphrodisiac, revitalising your sex drive and potentially reigniting passion in your intimate relationships. TongkatAli may stimulate sexual desire, contributing to an enhanced sex life by boosting libido and overall sex drive. Addressing Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can be a significant challenge, often causing embarrassment and reluctance to seek help. Natural TongkatAli might offer a solution! While many assume ED primarily affects older individuals, statistics reveal that about 3 in 4 young people, aged 25 to 34, experience Erectile Dysfunction (74.6%), highlighting the vulnerability of this age group as they are most likely to experience it frequently, with 40% saying they struggle for an erection more than half of the time. TongkatAli may assist in reclaiming sexual confidence by supporting stronger erections during intimate moments.TongkatAli boasts a wide array of potential benefits tailored to your needs. At Lewtress, we have what you’re looking for, our natural TongkatAli is designed to aid your vitality and assist you with numerous benefits, empowering both your body and mind. Grab yours today at Lewtress! Unlocking Your Potential: The Diverse Benefits Of Natural TongkatAli Unlocking Your Potential: The Diverse Benefits Of Natural TongkatAli Tongkat… Read More Unlocking the Secrets of Libido Health Unlocking the Secrets of Libido Health When it comes to… Read More Elevate Your Wellness with Maca Root: A Hormonal Balancing Act Elevate Your Wellness with Maca Root: A Hormonal Balancing Act… Read More Manopause Not Menopause, Navigating Hormonal Transitions For Men Manopause Not Menopause, Navigating Hormonal Transitions For Men While often… Read More Bombyx Supplements: Perfect For Your Intimate & Everyday Life! Bombyx Supplements: Perfect For Your Intimate & Everyday Life! We… Read More Load More

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