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Lewtress Performance Trial Pack Trio



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Made in
the UK

Practitioner Developed

Highly Concentrated


Not sure which performance booster to choose?

Try a trial pack of three of the best!

Bombyx, Eurycoma & Malaysian Ginseng Complex.

Everyone is different, and everyone will have their own idea of which male supplement suits them best. Take the guesswork out of the equation by trialing three of our best sellers. You will then have a very clear idea of which one suits you best.

Our overall Bestseller is , with people reporting a dramatic improvement in sexual performance lasting up to 3 days.
Like the others, Bombyx is a ‘Take when required’ product, 1 capsule, an hour or so before activity.
2 capsules of Bombyx per trial pack.

complex is an extremely potent herbal complex designed to help improve men’s health and vitality.
Tests have shown it to be even more effective than a certain famous pill, but with many other benefits. It is designed to be taken only when required but effects would be greatly enhanced if already on Horny Goat Weed on a daily basis.
4 capsules of Eurycoma per trial pack.

is packed full of energetic,potent, botanical herbs. 20% more effective than Eurycoma Longifolia, Malaysian Ginseng Complex is quite palatable & easily dissolvable on the tongue or mixed with a little warm water for a rapid effect.
4 capsules of Malaysian Ginseng Complex per trial pack.

Suggested intake:

Bombyx Mori
, 1 capsule an hour or so before activity. Not to be taken by anyone with a heart complaint or high blood pressure. Not to be taken by anyone under the age of 18 or by pregnant women.

Eurycoma and Malaysian Ginseng Complex, 1 or 2 capsule 45 minutes before activity. Not to be used by those with heart conditions. Not to be taken by anyone under the age of 18 or by pregnant women.

If in doubt consult your doctor.

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